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Vadim Petrakov/Shutterstock Flood warnings for Africa advance with EU expertise

Flood warnings for Africa advance with EU expertise

Like most people, Mark Noort reacted with horror to images last month of devastating floods in Libya. Unlike most others, Noort had a professional reason to follow the drama. An expert in Earth observation technology, he took part in a research project that used EU funding to set up a

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Climate Change and Security in the Indo-Pacific

Climate Change and Security in the Indo-Pacific

The Indo-Pacific region, encompassing approximately 60% of the world’s population, is a critical geopolitical and economic hub. It is home to advanced and emerging economies, strategic trade and shipping routes, and manufacturing supply chains. However, this vast and dynamic region is also exceptionally vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate

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A net-zero future for India: meaning and implications

A net-zero future for India: meaning and implications

Climate change is now a lived reality and its impacts are being felt in everyday lives. Unpredictable Indian monsoons, cyclone Biparjoy in the Arabian Sea, continuous heat waves and longer summer months across the country are now everyday news. Not just in India, the brunt of climate impacts is being

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