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African digital innovators are turning plastic waste into value – but there are gaps

Plastic pollution is a growing global menace. Between 2010 and 2020, the global production of plastics increased from 270 million tonnes to 367 million tonnes. Every year, more than 12 million tonnes of plastics end up in the world’s oceans, with severe consequences for marine life. When macro plastics degrade into micro-plastics, they easily contaminate the food chain and pose significant threats to human health via inhalation and ingestion.
By 2030, plastic waste is expected to double to 165 million tonnes in African countries. Most of this will be in Egypt, Nigeria, South Africa, Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia.

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The digital revolution could unlock a green transformation of the global economy

Life has changed almost beyond recognition in the last few decades. Artificial intelligence (AI) has substituted entire job fields – intelligent software can now review legal documents, a job which was previously only carried out by lawyers. Machine learning means technical systems can pull together entire libraries of information in a single handheld device. Virtual spaces now exist where people from all over the world can share, connect and chat instantly.
In 2019, it’s clear that digital innovations will continue to change society and the economy, but it’s uncertain whether these new technologies will benefit the global transformation to sustainability. Will digital technologies allow everyone to live in a world where their development isn’t dependent on exhausting finite resources and increasing emissions?

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Burning trash a major source of plastic pollution: Study

Burning plastic in dumps and open fires is as big a problem for the planet as littering, scientists said on Wednesday (Sep 4) in a detailed new assessment of how plastic enters the environment.
A world-first global register of plastic pollution, published in the journal Nature, identifies India as the biggest source of such trash and burning garbage as a much bigger problem than previously thought.

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Climate Justice in the Context of the Global South

Millions of people in low- and middle-income countries will soon face the extreme effects of climate change – repercussions they had very little hand in creating. Described as the “biggest threat to public health” we will face this century, climate change will disproportionately affect the most vulnerable, who mostly reside in Global South nations.
Much of MDPI’s research is dedicated to climate justice and the issues surrounding this concept.

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Dispelling Myths, Embracing Action: How We Can Own and Resolve the Climate Crisis Together

In the narrative of the climate crisis, a series of pervasive myths shape our perceptions and actions, often limiting our sense of agency and urgency. These myths, rooted in misinformation, resignation, or misunderstanding, suggest that the issue is too vast, too complex, or even too distant to be influenced by individual efforts. However, dismantling these myths is crucial for empowering ourselves and our communities to take meaningful, impactful actions towards a sustainable future. This blog post aims to address these common myths, explore how they shape our behaviour, and offer strategies for breaking free from these limiting beliefs to take ownership of the climate crisis.

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