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The Global South is forging a new foreign policy in the face of war in Ukraine, China-US tensions: Active nonalignment

What does the Ukraine war have to do with Brazil? On the face of it, perhaps not much.
Yet, in his first six months in office, Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva – now in his third nonconsecutive term – has expended much effort trying to bring peace to the conflict in Eastern Europe. This has included conversations with U.S. President Joe Biden in Washington, Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing and in a teleconference call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy….

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Rich man’s solution? Climate engineering discourses and the marginalization of the Global South

Numerous recent studies project that ‘climate engineering’ technologies might need to play a major role in the future. Such technologies may carry major risks for developing countries that are often especially vulnerable to, and lack adaptive capacity to deal with, the impacts of such new technologies. In this situation, one would expect that developing countries—especially the least developed countries that are most vulnerable—should play a central role in the emerging discourse on climate engineering. And yet, as this article shows in detail, the discussion about whether and how to engage with these technologies is shaped by experts from just a small set of countries in the Global North. Knowledge production around climate engineering remains heavily dominated by the major research institutions in North America and Europe.

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The ABCs of governmental climate action challenges in Latin America

Following Tosun’s distinction between international, national, and subnational scales of intervention, this commentary presents the ABCs of governmental climate action challenges in Latin America. In relation to international climate action, Latin American organizations present numerous and diverse positions in international fora. This heterogeneity of positions affects the region’s bargaining power.

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From Silos to Synthesis: Rethinking Disciplinary Boundaries and Instructional Strategies To Implement and Scale-up NEP

Despite an all-too-prevalent emphasis in India on a certain sense of ‘stability’ — in terms of higher income, workforce adaptability, even social respectability — associated with technical education, a December 2023 Business Standard article claims that “Just 10 percent of the 1.5 million engineers graduating this financial year are expected

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Nepal’s Kathmandu Valley – where air pollution often obscures views of the Himalayan peaks (Image: Frank Bienewald/ Alamy)

A united South Asia can beat air pollution

At a recent meeting for the launch of a new World Bank report on air pollution, held in Kathmandu, Pema Gyamtsho, director general of ICIMOD, asked by a show of hands how many people in the room actually saw the peak of Mount Everest on their way to Nepal’s capital.

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